What are the main causes of hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation could be a common condition that creates some areas of the skin darker than others. “Hyper” suggests that additional, and “pigment” suggests that color. Physiological state will seem as brown, black, gray, red or pink spots or patches. The spots square measure generally referred to as age spots, sun spots or liver spots. Physiological state is caused by a rise in animal pigment. Variety of things will trigger a rise in animal pigment production, however the most ones square measure sun exposure, secretion influences, age and skin injuries or inflammation. The 3 main varieties embody age spots, melasma, and post-inflammatory trauma. Post-inflammatory trauma may end up from associate degree injury, sun exposure, or a skin condition, like skin disease. Darkened square measureas on the skin are the most symptoms of physiological state. Patches will vary in size and develop anyplace on the body the largest risk factors for general physiological state square measure...